Assembly, Committees, & IGDOs

For more information or if you have any questions, contact us at


The Assembly members include 28 elected Senators from GAPSA's nine graduate and professional school divisions.

  • Each division has at least one elected Senator.
  • The number of Senators is determined by the division's enrollment (see the GAPSA constitution for more information).

Senators are voting members* of the Assembly.

  • Senators are required to attend all Assembly meetings or provide a proxy if absent.
  • Senators review and approve proposals brought to GAPSA. 
  • Senators vote on other matters brought to GAPSA from other Divisions or from the University.

Senators act as their respective division's liaison to GAPSA.

  • Senators give Division Reports and discuss concerns at Assembly meetings.
  • Senators receive updates from GAPSA and are asked to inform their constituents.
  • Senators also receive events and other information/opportunities for graduate and professional students and are asked to forward to their constituents.
  • Senators coordinate with one another to ensure proper and efficient communication.

Senators are appointed to GAPSA and/or non-GAPSA (i.e. University/Campus-Wide) committees or task forces.

  • Senators are appointed to at least one committee or task force.
  • Appointments are made to ensure equal, fair, and proportional representation across campus committees or task forces.


*Failure to perform Senator's duties and responsibilities may result in loss of GAPSA Assembly voting privileges for the duration of the year.


GAPSA has two standing committees: Finance Committee and Graduate Diversity Committee

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee serves as the fiscal manager and public trustee of the GAPSA student activity fund, which all graduate and professional students contribute to. The committee assures that the funds are properly handled for the benefit of all students. To this end, the committee will hear presentations on, investigate, and deliberate over requests for funding. In particular, the Finance Committee oversees the GAPSA and constituent Divisions' budget proposals, as well as the Collaborative Events Fund (CEF).

  • Chaired by the GAPSA Finance VP.
  • Advised by the Associate Director of the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Administration and Finance.
  • Members include Division Treasurers/Finance VPs or their representatives.

Graduate Diversity Committee (GDC)
The Graduate Diversity Committee (GDC) serves as the authority to recognize Interdivisional Graduate Diversity Organizations (IGDOs), which are GAPSA-sponsored Recognized Student Organizations. The committee distributes the GAPSA Affinity Fund to IGDOs. To this end, the committee will hear presentations on, investigate, and deliberate over requests for recognition and funding. The GDC also addresses diversity, inclusion, and equity issues across campus.

  • Co-Chaired by the GAPSA Uptown and Downtown VPs.
  • Members include Division Vice Presidents or their representatives.

Interdivisional Graduate Diversity Organizations (IGDOs)
The Interdivisional Graduate Diversity Organizations (IGDOs) are GAPSA-sponsored Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) that include members from at least three different GAPSA divisions. IGDOs have members that are almost entirely graduate and professional students. These organizations celebrate the diversity that Tulane cherishes.