University Governing Bodies

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Tulane University has three primary governing bodies.

Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA)
GAPSA is the unifying body of the graduate and professional divisions of Tulane University. GAPSA develops and furthers the scholastic, professional, social, and public service interests of all graduate and professional students by promoting an understanding amongst students, faculty, staff, and administrators. GAPSA also facilitates inter-division communication and coordinates activities with the undergraduate student government (USG). 

Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
USG serves all undergraduate students to make their time at Tulane the best it can be. We advocate on behalf of the student body and strive to constantly improve the undergraduate experience for all Tulanians. Further, USG communicates the will of the student body to the University administration and to the greater Tulane community.

The Undergraduate Student Government consists of an Executive Board, Cabinet, Council Chairs, Liaisons, and elected Senators, each elected by their school’s constituents.

University Senate
The University Senate is Tulane's senior internal governance body. It consists of elected faculty representatives from the academic divisions, senior administrators, student and staff representatives, and at-large members elected from a slate nominated by the Senate Committee on Committees. The Senate is chaired by the President of the University. Its purview consists of all matters of general University concern, especially those which affect at least two academic divisions.

The Senate normally meets during spring and fall semesters on the first working Monday of each month except January, with extra meetings in April and/or May if necessary.

Of note, GAPSA's President and Executive Vice President are Student Senators (and voting members) of the University Senate.


Joint Executive Council (JEC)
GAPSA and USG Executives meet as a Joint Executive Council (JEC) at least twice a semester. The JEC meets to coordinate events for all students, as well as discuss issues and concerns that affect the entire Tulane student body.

University Committees and Task Forces
GAPSA represents graduate and professional student voices and sits on a number of University standing committees and task forces. In addition, GAPSA is invited to ad hoc committees and other meetings to provide the University with the graduate and professional student perspective. 

GAPSA Representatives (i.e. Executives or Senators) on University Senate Standing Committees can be found here. See below for a list of committees.

GAPSA Representatives are also on non-University Senate committees and task forces. These committees and task forces may vary each year, but typically include a Student Health Advisory Committee and Libraries Advisory Committee. Other committees and task forces address concerns regarding crime/safety, transportation, course evaluations, and more.