Executive Council

For more information or if you have any questions, contact us at gapsa@tulane.edu.



Ania Smith, JD Student
School of Law Class of 2023

The President shall be the primary representative of the graduate and professional student body. The President shall preside at GAPSA Assembly and Executive Council meetings. The President shall enforce the Constitution, laws, decrees, and bylaws of GAPSA.

Email: gapsapres@tulane.edu


Executive Vice President

Andrew Kamali, MPH Student

School of Public Health


The Executive Vice President shall coordinate the operation of the GAPSA Assembly. The Executive Vice President shall chair the Election & Recruitment Committee and coordinate the Executive Council Election and Assembly Election.

Email: gapsaevp@tulane.edu


Vice President, Finance

Lindsay Brink, JD Student

School of Law Class of 2024


The Vice President, Finance shall oversee the budgets of GAPSA and authorize the payment of GAPSA expenditures as they come due. The Vice President, Finance shall chair the GAPSA Finance Committee, supervise the preparation of the annual GAPSA budget, and distribute funds to constituent division student governments.

Email: gapsavpf@tulane.edu


Vice President, Communications

Marc Gebara, MD Student

School of Medicine


The Vice President, Communications shall prepare, distribute, and maintain information and files for GAPSA. The Vice President, Communications shall take minutes at all Executive Council and Assembly meetings. The Vice President, Communications shall maintain the GAPSA website. 

Email: gapsavpc@tulane.edu


Vice President, Uptown

Danica Culibert, MPH Student

School of Public Health


The Uptown Vice President shall coordinate events and communications between GAPSA and the uptown campus. The Uptown Vice President shall ensure fair representation of the uptown students within GAPSA. The Uptown Vice President shall also serve as the co-chair of the Graduate Diversity Committee (GDC) which oversees the GAPSA-sponsored Interdivisional Graduate Diversity Organizations (IGDOs).

Email: gapsavpu@tulane.edu


Vice President, Downtown

Vina Ravichandran, MD Student

School of Medicine


The Downtown Vice President shall coordinate events and communications between GAPSA and the downtown campus. The Downtown Vice President shall ensure fair representation of the downtown students within GAPSA. The Downtown Vice President shall also serve as the co-chair of the Graduate Diversity Committee (GDC) which oversees the GAPSA-sponsored Interdivisional Graduate Diversity Organizations (IGDOs).

Email: gapsavpd@tulane.edu


Gregory Feiling
Associate Director
Lavin-Burnick Center for University Life

Email: gfeiling@tulane.edu