Division Student Governments

Biomedical Sciences Student Association (BMSSA)
Graduate Business Council (GBC)
Graduate Studies Student Association (GSSA)
Medical Student Government (MSG)
School of Architecture Graduate Government (SAGG)
Student Bar Association (SBA)
School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine Student Government Association (SPHTM SGA)
School of  Professional Advancement (SoPA)
School of Social Work Student Government Association (SSW SGA)


Student government was first organized on campus in March 1915 and evolved into the Associated Student Body (ASB), a body that represented every student on campus, regardless of enrollment status. In 1998, ASB split into two houses, the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA) and the Undergraduate Student Government (USG.) Each house was granted an executive cabinet, eliminating the ASB Vice-President structure. In spring 2017, the ASB President position was eliminated and the elected Undergraduate Student Government President and the elected Graduate and Professional Student Association President represent the needs of the Tulane University student body. (Student Government)